Here is a recommended process to help you get started.
- Step 1
- Once you have decided which Snapshot you would like to export, click on the gear symbol to the far right-hand side.
- Step 2
- Select Export this Snapshot.
- Step 3
- You now have a choice if you want to export all 5 reports for the Snapshots or only certain ones.
- Step 4
- You also have a choice if you want the export to be emailed to you or would you rather download the files once the file is ready. If you choose to not have it emailed to you ...
- Step 5
- Once you have decided on your export configuration, click on the Export Snapshot button.
- Step 6
- A new window will appear to show you the Snapshots are exporting.
- Step 7
- When finished, a blue link appears so you can download the Snapshots.