Explore Crazy Egg's Heatmap Report
When you create a Snapshot, you have access to seven different reports. The Heatmap is a visual overview of where your visitors are clicking. The brighter the area, the more popular it is; the darker the area, the less popular it is. As a specific area of your page gets more clicks, the color on the Heatmap will change.
If you would like to experiment with a Heatmap while you wait for yours to populate, check out our demo.
If you would like to learn more, check out our Crazy Egg 101: 4 Steps to a High Converting Website Guide
Applying Filters and Customization
You can easily filter your Heatmap by date and by device for further customization.
1. How is the Heatmap Report generated?
This report is generated based on the actual clicks of your visitors. You can gain insight into how visitors are engaging with your website.
2. What can I use the Heatmap report to do?
The main value of a Heatmap is to quickly identify the areas on your site that see the most visitor engagement so that you can position your calls to action and important information. For example, let’s say you want to increase the number of people entering their email address on your subscription form.
Using the Heatmap, find an area where there are a large number of clicks (the brightest color). Place the subscription field closer to this area. Then create a new snapshot to test if the new placement converts higher on subscriptions. If you have two areas that show a high amount of clicks (bright areas), you may want to try an A/B test scenario. You will also want to consider comparing your results to determine which scenario is working better.
3. Can I export my report?
Indeed you can! Here's how to export your Heatmap data.
Additional Reports
If you'd like to learn more about individual clicks, such as referral data, this information can be found under the Confetti Report. In addition to the Heatmap Report and the Confetti Report, you also have access to three other reports: Scrollmap, Overlay, and List.